- FACT: The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) re-signed by President Obama in January 2013 gives the federal government the authority to detain any person, including an American citizen, who is deemed a threat by the administration. This detention may be conducted without benefit of counsel, without right to a hearing, and the detention period may be indefinite. Secret police scooping up citizens in the dead of night never to be seen again? Think it can't happen here? Think again.
- FACT: President Obama has placed high ranking military personnel into command positions based on their answer to the question of whether or not they would be willing to fire upon American citizens. American troops using military firepower to crush civilian insurrection? Think it can't happen here? Think again.
- FACT: The Department of Homeland Security, originally created in response to the World Trade Center attacks on 9/11, has evolved into a militarized national police force. They have purchased 1.6 BILLION rounds of ammunition. To put this in perspective, troops in Iraq were expending approximately less than 6 million rounds per month. With this much ammunition the DHS could sustain a shooting war for over 20 years. In addition to the ammunition, the DHS has acquired 2,717 ‘Mine Resistant Protected’ MaxxPro MRAP armored vehicles. These vehicles are capable of withstanding mine blasts, IEDs, and direct fire from .50 caliber weapons. A national police force equipped with state of the art armament making sure that all citizens toe the party line? Think it can't happen here? Think again.
- FACT: In July 2012, President Obama signed an executive order titled Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Function that effectively gives the federal government, under the auspices of the Secretary of Homeland Security, the authority for complete take over and control of ALL communications in the United States. Suspension of the 1st amendment and all information controlled by the state? Think it can't happen here? Think again.
- FACT: The United States is currently facing massive and sweeping gun control measures designed to disarm the American public and reduce the potential for armed resistance against government forces. While these measures are constantly touted on the basis of "public safety" the fact remains that the true intent of gun control is not to control the guns but rather to control the people. Despite rulings from the United States Supreme Court that the 2nd amendment does affirm an individual's right to keep and bear arms, despite uncontroverted evidence that Americans legally defend themselves with firearms millions of times per year, despite FBI statistics that show semi-automatic rifles are only used in a tiny fraction of crimes, despite the irrelevance of innocuous items like pistol grips, folding stocks, muzzle brakes, or bayonet lugs, the federal government does not trust its citizens with any but the most rudimentary of firearms. Magazine bans, weapons bans, registration schemes, and the ultimate confiscation of ALL firearms is their ultimate goal. A disarmed population subject to the whims of a totalitarian government? Think it can't happen here? Think again.
President Obama Targets New Gun Control Laws In State of the Union Speech
The signs are all around us. All you have to do is look. Stay safe.